We strive for continuous improvement of products and solutions through innovation – solving environmental challenges and reducing industry- and company footprint across targeted industries.
- products with long and complicated supply chains. Many of our products are made up of goods from several suppliers who in turn use several sub-suppliers in their production.
- corruption both by itself, the partners and third parties, verification is risk-assessed.
A global challenge
Over the next decade, there will be growing urbanisation and better social welfare for larger segments of the population. This poses formidable challenges for food safety, access to clean water, energy and minerals, and loss of biodiversity.
These trends are already impacting individuals, companies and countries, and will increase in the future. Along with climate changes, this will be basic strategic drivers in the business of the future.
PG Flow Solutions’ operations does not entail great polution challenges. Nevertheless, we will maintain a proactive attitude to sustainable development and business opportunities and strategic business decisions will be considered from a sustainability perspective.
Sustainable solutions
The current climate situation calls for new ways of thinking, cooperating, and innovating to resolve the challenges facing the world today, and in the future.
We currently work with advanced technology and many of our product areas can contribute to a more efficient use of energy and resources in their areas of application:
Existing products
We prioritise to improve and develop products and solutions in existing markets, that will contribute to a sustainable future.
New products
We expect business segments and new market opportunities to open up in response to the global challenges facing the world. We have the technology and knowhow that may contribute to such new solutions.